Writers Rotation

10 Donna Ison: playwright, performance poet, author, activist

February 09, 2024

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Donna Ison is a playwright, award-winning performance poet, and the author of two novels, with a third on the way. She also produces activist theatre, including the upcoming "The Art of Audacious Aging." She currently serves as the managing editor for Eyes On Eyecare digital magazine. 

Kathie's note:  When did I meet Donna? Early aughts, I guess. At least 20 years ago. We meet for coffee as often as possible. Third Street Stuff and North Lime Coffee & Donuts are faves. 

In this episode, we share writing tips and processes: our thoughts on proofreading, editing, quote attribution, revisions, and fonts. I love shoptalk.

Writers Rotation intro/outro recorded at Dynamix Productions in Lexington, Kentucky.

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