Writers Rotation

12 Henry Chien: investment educator, writer, course creator

March 10, 2024 Kathie Stamps

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Henry Chien is a writer bringing investing insights to empower individual investors.
A former equity research analyst, Henry has a decade of Wall Street knowledge. His work has been used by the world's largest trading desks and investment funds, including J.P. Morgan, Citadel, Credit Suisse, and Bank of Montreal.
Henry’s work has been featured in the Financial Times, Barron's, and Institutional Investor. He is a CFA charterholder and a graduate of Brown University.


Henry Chien is the author of Better Investment Decisions: Guide to Fundamental Investing in the Stock Market, available on Amazon.

And he has a Stock Investor Accelerator course on his website so you can learn professional investor skills.

Kathie's note: Henry is a fellow Cavedweller at Caveday.org, where people around the world get our individual work done in the presence of others. He is super chill, and fun, and smart.

In this episode I take one  for the team, admitting I know nothing about stocks or investing or financial finances. I mean, we're talking "I know vegetable stock is actually a broth, not a stock" level of money acumen is where I land. I had so much fun interviewing Henry without the need to do a ton of research. I didn't have to put on airs (or hard pants, for that matter, thanks to Zoom).

Writers Rotation intro/outro recorded at Dynamix Productions in Lexington, Kentucky.

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